Hong Kong Ukulele Festival 2018


Hong Kong Ukulele Festival 香港夏威夷小結他加年華- 系一個充滿歡樂的大型音樂活動,這次活動適合及歡迎任何年齡人士參加,完全免費,無論你系識玩樂器或唔識、大人或小朋友,我們希望透過音樂及Ukulele 這個充滿夏威夷歡樂氣氛的樂器將喜悅及活力帶給大家。

今年已是第三年在中環海濱活動空間舉辦Ukulele Festival了,即是中環海濱摩天輪旁的活動空間,大家果日系夏日黃昏的時間,在輕柔的海風下、坐系能望見維多利亞港及兩岸高樓大廈的大空地上,一邊聽音樂、一邊野餐,如果你識玩樂器,更可以和我們一同台上台下大合奏!大家一定可以樂在其中!

Hong Kong Ukulele festival – a large-scale music event filled with joy and delight, we welcome each and everyone of you from different age group with completely free admission. Whether you play any instrument or not, whether you are adults or children, we hope to share the joy in music with you through the festive Hawaiian ukulele.
It is our third year holding the Ukulele Festival at the Central Harbourfront Event Space, the open area beside the observation wheel. Picnicking at a midsummer evening, enjoying the view of  the Victoria Harbour with the accompaniment of summer breeze and music, it has always been a pleasurable experience for us! You could bring along your own instruments and join our jamming session as well!

Date 日期:18 Aug 2018 星期六 Saturday

Time 時間:4:00pm - 9:00pm

Place 地點: 中環海濱活動空間(即中環海濱摩天輪旁)



全部免費參加! All FREE to Join!

Ukulele 音樂表演 Music Performance


五個加大碼充氣遊戲,包括「瘋狂扭扭擰」、「追擊的巨齡」、「一kick入洞」、「射波英雄傳」及「投籃高手」,坐落於中環海濱,為香港這個繁忙核心區,帶來鮮艷色彩和忘我笑容。同時,香港首個以變化多端的燈光效果為主題的露天樂園 -《光影遊樂園》再度亮燈,深受歡迎的互動藝術展、燈光風車園、結合本土情懷和燈影效果的遊樂園,肯定是今個暑假最閃耀的「打卡」位。

Five XXL inflatable games, including ‘Twist Your Body’, ‘Attack on Bowling’, ‘Kick Shot’, ‘Dart Ball Hero’ and ‘BasketTall’, have been set up at the Central Harbourfront Event Space to add vibrant colours and happy smiles right in the heart of the Central Business District. In addition, illuminate!, the first ever outdoor park featuring versatile lighting effects, will light up again with an interactive art show, pinwheel garden, plus a retro bustling playground environment. This event is certain to be the most glittering selfie site as well as check-in pop-up spot this summer. 

Story of Ukulele Festival

香港夏威夷小結他協會於2009年,起初系由幾位熱愛ukulele及夏威夷文化志同道合的人成立。當時香港都不是很多人認識什麼是ukulele ,我們便成了ukulele喺香港的先鋒。

我們最初開始系由幾個人拎住ukulele到處玩音樂,ukulele系一個細小但又好易上手的樂器,彈ukulele 唔單止樂器咁簡單,本身就系一件洋溢著夏威夷熱情、親切的感覺,透過我哋同ukulele 依個好伙伴經歷不同遊歷後,ukulele帶俾我哋既比得到更多,除左互相音樂交流,彼此間的分享合作,甚至友誼,親子關係亦有所昇華,逐漸多人喜歡及加入,由十幾人的小活動慢慢成長為今日的「Hong Kong Ukulele Festival」!

我哋希望唔止系Ukulele 的愛好者聚會同交流,而系俾大眾一個合家歡的時段,享受一個音樂野餐的活動,甚至系提供一個平台俾香港和世界各地的人交流、體驗、學習的好機會。此外,大家系享受表演既同時,系中環海濱的空間,享受美景同食品飲料,就好似置身系夏威夷的夏日中,一路野餐(大家亦可帶備自己的野餐巾),一路坐擁美景好好享受台上的演出。

今次既活動中,我哋當然有表演的時段,場地將有一個大舞台,給香港及來自世界各地的好手為我們帶上精彩的音樂及表演,除了ukulele 外,也會有其他樂器表演或合奏如:結他、Hula Dance、口琴 ...,等大家可以一次過享受眼睛和耳朵的音樂盛會。

同時間舞台後方,亦會很多有趣好玩的遊戲攤位、音樂及手工工作坊等等,令更多既人嘗試接觸ukulele ,輕輕鬆鬆一齊jam下歌 。另外,仲有ukulele 的攝影區,等大家影低依個咁特別的時刻,留低與ukulele 的回憶,令ukulele 往後都能成為大家音樂路上的一個好幫手,仲有美味的美食及飲品攤位。


UKEHK was founded in 2009 by several people who love the ukulele and Hawaiian culture. At the time, not many people in Hong Kong knew about the ukulele, so we became the first group of people to introduce the instrument to Hong Kong.

When we first started, we were just several people playing music on the ukulele. The ukulele is a small, easy-to-learn instrument. It is not only easy to play, it also brings a part of the Hawaiian culture and spreads love among people. Because playing the ukulele spreads Hawaiian culture, encourages cooperation, forms friendships, and strengthens parent-child relationships, people have started to learn to play the ukulele. What was started by ten people slowly became the event it is today: the Hong Kong Ukulele Festival.

We aim to to make this event more than a gathering of people who enjoy playing the ukulele, but a fun event for everyone to picnic and enjoy music, and even meet people around the world to learn from, exchange, and experience different cultures. In addition to that, while people can enjoy the music, they can also eat and admire the beautiful view of the harbour. It is as if the event is set in Hawaii, enjoying the scenery while listening to music. 

There will obviously be time for performances in the event. The stage is not only for players from Hong Kong but also for some of the world’s best players to share their wonderful music and unique performances. In addition to the ukulele, there will be other performances such as the guitar, the ocarina, Hula dancing, the harmonica and many more. Everyone can see and hear the beauty around them.

There will also be many fun and interesting game booths and music and craft workshops, so more can learn about the ukulele, how to play a song. There will be a photography area for people to capture the moment and keep good memories with the ukulele, so that it can help everyone out on the journey of music.

We hope to see you there! 

場地影片 Venue Video:

海報 Poster :

Ukulele Festival Photos:



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