Ukulele Contest 2021 — Entry Information 比賽規則說明
初賽截止交片日期:2021年06月30日 23:59
初賽:參賽者點擊鏈接 填寫參賽資料以及上載原稿影片比賽,中心將會上載到UkeHK Facebook Page
決賽:晉身決賽的參賽者,會在2021 Ukulele Festival 大舞台上現場演出比賽作品
- 指彈組 - 年齡、性別及國籍不限
- 彈唱組 - 年齡、性別及國籍不限
- Ukulele Kid Got Talent組 - 只限12歲或以下小朋友參加,性別及國籍不限
- 所有參賽者在同一組別只能參與一次;
- 每個組別都可以單人或組合形式參賽;
- 所有參賽者,包括單人或組合,都必須用Ukulele參與及演出作品;
- 如參賽作品出現同分的情況,*較早投稿的選手排名較前;
- 「自選曲目」,曲目沒有風格及難度限制,翻彈、改編或原創均可;
- 原創作品、翻彈或改編作品如涉及侵權抄襲,參賽者需要承擔所有有關後果;
- 鼓勵參賽者彈奏或彈唱原創曲目,會增加創意分;
- 「指彈組」及「彈唱組」組別時間長度要求在 2分鐘-5分鐘內 完成;
- 「Ukulele Kid Got Talent」組別時間長度要求在 1分鐘-3分鐘內 完成;
- 初賽及決賽須為同一首參賽曲目。
初賽錄片作品 -
- 視頻和音頻必須同步錄制,視頻要求清晰,720p下限及1080p上限為佳; 視頻強烈建議使用MP4格式,因格式問題導致音畫不同步將影響比賽成績; 視頻要求全程看到選手的左右手及面部; 請遵守各組別的影片長度限制。
- 所遞交的比賽片段不能超過限定時間,如超時10秒以上,參加者將會被扣5分。
- 錄制設備相機、手機不限;可外接聲卡、麥克風同步錄音。
- 對參賽視頻進行如下處理將禁止參賽,包括: 使用後期空間類效果處理; 使用琴身自帶拾音器; 使用外置加振類拾音器和效果器; 畫面和聲音分開非同步錄制; 後期處理渲染並添加效果; 使用伴奏與Loop。
決賽現場演出作品 -
- 現場演出作品時,可以及建議使用 *琴身自帶拾音器*;
- 可以選擇使用 *效果器*。
*溫馨提示:適當使用”琴身自帶拾音器" 及 “效果器" ,有機會增加「現場演繹及舞台效果 」評分*
- Ukulele(尤克里里、烏克麗麗)琴型不限(包括B型)
- LowG、HighG琴弦不限
- 原聲與電箱不限(包括靜音Uke)
- 5弦、8弦不限
- Ukulele Bass
- 注:禁止使用吉他里里Guitarlele參賽
初賽錄片作品 -
1)完整度、流暢性、節奏 30分
2.1) 歌唱控制 25分(彈唱組及Ukulele Kid Got Talent組)
2.2) 音色控制 25分(指彈組及Ukulele Kid Got Talent組)
3)演奏技巧與難度 25分
4)整體情緒與曲子融合度 20分
* 初賽分數相同時,投稿較早的選手排名較前 *
決賽現場演出作品 -
1)完整度、流暢性、節奏 25分
2.1) 歌唱控制 20分(彈唱組及Ukulele Kid Got Talent組)
2.2) 音色控制 20分(指彈組及Ukulele Kid Got Talent組)
3)演奏技巧與難度 20分
4)整體情緒與曲子融合度 15分
5)現場表現力及舞台效果 20分
* 決賽分數相同時,初賽作品得分較高的選手排名較前 *
Ukulele Contest 2021 — Entry Information
Important dates:
Entry begins: Thursday May 22nd, 2021
Entry deadline: Thursday June 30th, 2021 23:59
Selection result announcement: Thursday July 8th, 2021
Final: Saturday July 24th, 2021
How to enter:
Entry: Fill in the entry form on and upload the video of your entry piece(s) to join the Ukulele Contest 2021. Hong Kong Ukulele Association will then post your entry video(s) on UkeHK Facebook Page
Final: Short-listed ukulele contestants are invited to to go forward for final judging. They will perform their ukulele entries live in the Ukulele Festival 2021. Ukulele contestants will be solely judged on their live performance in the Ukulele Festival 2021.
Eligibility and Divisions:
- Ukulele Fingerstyle: Solo or Group — Open (No age category. Open to contestants from all nationalities.)
- Ukulele Song: Solo or Group — Open (No age category. Open to contestants from all nationalities.)
- Ukulele Kid Got Talent: Solo or Group — Open to kids or teens aged 12 or below (Open to contestants from all nationalities.)
Entry Qualification
- One entry, one division. Multiple entries in the same division are not allowed.
- Each division is open to all solo or group players.
- Solo players / Everyone in the group must play ukulele, or your entry will be disqualified.
* Entries of the same selection points will be listed by referring to the submission date of the video entries. Early submissions may bonus you.
Entry Song Qualification:
- Competitors are free to select the song of their choice: cover, adaptation, or original, instrumental or with vocals.
- In case of copyright infringement, participants of the contest are to bear the consequence of it.
- Playing an original ukulele piece or ukulele song will earn you higher creativity points.
- Total duration of each ukulele performance is limited:
Ukulele Fingerstyle Division — 2-5 minutes
Ukulele Song Division — 2-5 minutes
Ukulele Kid Got Talent Division — 1-3 minutes
- In the final contest. shortlisted contestants must perform the entry piece(s).
Entry Video Rules:
- A video must be made of the contestant playing the ukulele piece or song. The video must be recorded live. The sound quality must be clear and smooth. The entire video must clearly show the contestant’s face, both hands, and entire musical instrument. The resolution of the video is 720p or 1080p. Choose the MP4 format. Uploading an entry video in a different resolution or format may affect adjudicators’ judgement, hence, impacts on your scoring of points.
- The length of the entry video should not be longer than the set limit. 5 points will be deducted from the contestant’s entry video points if the video is 10 seconds longer.
- Contestants can record entry videos with the use of a camera, video camera or mobile phone. The device can be connected with a microphone or a sound card when recording.
- Contestants will be disqualified if they fail to observe the following rules:
- No dubbing is permitted.
- No pick-up when recording.
- No effects unit when recording.
- The video must be a single, continuous shot video footage. The audio and video should synchronise. It is not allowed to record the audio and video separately.
- No special effects (such as filters, transitions, colour adjustments, light adjustments or subtitles, etc.), mixing, editing or post-production are permitted.
- No accompaniment or loop.
Guidelines for Performing in the Final Contest:
1) Contestants are highly suggested to use a pick-up* when performing on the stage.
2) Contests can also choose to use the effects unit*.
* Using the pick-up and/or effects unit appropriately can earn contestants extra points in the aspects of showmanship and mannerism in the Final Contest.
Instrument Rules:
- Ukulele in any models (including model B)
- Low G or High G
- Acoustic, electro-acoustic or electric ukuleles (including silent electric ukuleles)
- 4-, 5-, 6- or 8-string
- Ukulele Bass
- N.B. Guitarleles are not permitted.
Finalist Prizes:
Champions (Division Prizes) — 1st place for each division will receive a trophy and a certificate from UkeHK.
2nd and 3rd Prizes (Division Prizes) — 2nd and 3rd places for each division will receive certificates from UkeHK.
Judging criteria:
Entry videos will be judged in the following criteria:
1) Completeness, smoothness, and rhythm of presentation 30 points
2.1) Vocal style 25 points
(Applicable to Ukulele Song and Ukulele Kid Got Talent divisions)
2.2) Fingerstyle 25 points
(Applicable to Ukulele Fingerstyle and Ukulele Kid Got Talent divisions)
3) Performance techniques and level of difficulties. 25 points
4) Combination of skills 20 points
- Entries of the same selection points will be listed by referring to the submission date of the video entries. Early submissions may bonus you.
Live performance in the final will be judged in the following criteria:
1) Completeness, smoothness, and rhythm of presentation 25 points
2.1) Vocal style 20 points
(Applicable to Ukulele Song and Ukulele Kid Got Talent divisions)
2.2) Fingerstyle 20 points
(Applicable to Ukulele Fingerstyle and Ukulele Kid Got Talent divisions)
3) Performance techniques and level of difficulties. 20 points
4) Combination of skills 15 points
5) Showmanship and mannerism 20 points
- If contestants are awarded the same points in the final, their points achieved from the video entries will be considered.