彈奏Ukulele使人學會分享,學會彼此合作。UkeHK舉辦Ukulele課程,讓有興趣學習Ukulele的朋友,提供一個專業、專門的學習地方。期望所有的同學都能輕鬆愉快地學習。由簡簡單單和弦彈唱、到指彈Ukulele(Fingerstyle);不同的音樂風格,如流行(Pop)/民歌(Folk)/詩歌(Hymns)/搖滾(Rock)/爵士(Jazz)/藍調(Blues) 。
Through playing Ukulele, people learn to share and cooperate with each other. UkeHK organizes Ukulele courses, providing special learning place for those who are interested in Ukulele. Students enjoy learning Ukulele in our place. Students start learning from basic chords to finger style and different music style according to Pop/Folk/ Hymns/Rock/Jazz/Blues.
Certificated courses U1, U2, U3, U4 and UkeFingerStyle are now available to let students learn ukulele systematically and progressively. We would also invite famous Ukulele players all over the world to Hong Kong and organize Ukulele master workshops,in order to acquaint students with world-class ukulele skills and music.